Every year in May at the Senior Awards Assembly in the auditorium at Diamond Hill-Jarvis High School, the officers present scholarships from money raised at the reunion and golf tournament to graduating seniors.
To be considered for the scholarships, seniors must complete the application and write an essay that includes a statement of need, career objective, goals for reaching their objective, and how DH-J has prepared them for this next step in life.
In 2023, we awarded one $2,000.00 Academic Scholarship, one $2,000.00 Technical Scholarship, and one $1,000.00 Band Member Scholarship.
The recipient of the $2,000.00 Academic Scholarship was Jimena Maldonado. Her plan was to attend TCU to get a BA in Business and then to attend Culinary School. Her dad passed away due to Covid-19.
The recipient of the $2,000.00 Technical Scholarship was Armando Provencia. Armando planned to attend Lincoln Tech where he would pursue his degree in Diesel Engineering. He had an incredible work ethic getting a job as soon as he had a license, so he could help his family financially.
The recipient of the $1,000.00 Band Scholarship was Amanda Provencia. To receive this scholarship, the student had to be a member of the DH-J band. Amanda planned to attend TCU and major in psychology. Her goal is to be able to help others.
To Mail Donation:
Mail your donation check to:
Diamond Hill Eagles Ex-Student Association
P.O. Box 470826
Fort Worth, Texas 76147-0826
Online Donation:
Go to the payment page and select the PAYMENT button and complete all requested information. Be sure to include that this is a scholarship donation. Then complete the payment information.